What is yugenheaven ?


Yugenheaven is more than a clothing brand. It is a community that brings together fashion enthusiasts of all kind.

My goal is not money or mindlessly selling as many products as possible. my goal is to create and share beauty and encourage others to do the same, so in addition to products intended for sale, I create creative projects not intended for sale and I share patterns for my products so that anyone can create their own version of my designs.

Yugen Heaven is a name that means more, yugen is a phrase that describes a beauty that you cannot directly see, a beauty that is so unique it can only be felt, it can be everything and nothing.

- to look at the city panorama from the highest skyscraper
- to listen to the whisper of the forest
- to feel the rays of the sun at the beach
- to look at the sunrise at the gas station
- to laugh with your friends from childhood
- to look at the world from the highest mountain
- to listen to the music with your headphones in the bus

Yugen is a japanese phrase describing all these things, things that make us feel alive. My goal is to create clothes that represent yugen, my goal is to create community of fashion enthusiasts, fashion design enthusiasts, and people looking further.